Inspire and reinforce a message of hope, advocating and raising awareness for sexual assault and human trafficking survivors every step of their journey.
We see a future where survivors receive the advocacy and support they need to safely reclaim their power, their voice, and their strength when they have been sexually assaulted or experienced human trafficking at any level. Through training and awareness we plan to shift societal viewpoints and eradicate the stigma surrounding sexual assault and human trafficking.
Diversity and Inclusion: Regardless of age, sex, gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, faith, culture, affiliation, creed, ability, socioeconomic status, physical or mental capacity, profession or preferred communication we will help in any form needed.
Empathy: Every individual associated with this foundation has either experienced personal sexual assault/human trafficking, is an ally, or has been thoroughly and extensively trained on this delicate matter.
Confidentiality and Trust: Raindrops Rising will not provide any information shared without explicit and enthusiastic consent from survivors. We hold the trust of the survivor above all and will not compromise that trust for anything or anyone.
Resilience and Determination: We vow to do everything in our power to provide whatever services are needed to fulfill our vision.
Integrity: This foundation will always display transparency regarding the administrative aspect of our mission. Survivors and donors alike will receive our utmost honesty and dedication.
Professionalism: Raindrops Rising aims to maintain professional standards while also integrating the passion of all affiliated. We may be a structured foundation with guidelines and regulations, but one thing about us is that we will always take it personally.
Community: We understand that the only way to truly empathize with a survivor is to have survived. We see the bond between individuals who have experienced these atrocities as deeper than any other, it is the core of our foundation with the gaps being filled in by those they trust to help them change the world.
Independent Thought: Raindrops Rising believes that all voices matter, and encourages individuals associated to share their opinions and ideas regarding the foundation’s decisions and happenings.
Justice: We vow to provide justice in any form the survivor desires within our scope of expertise. This includes personal healing, support in legal endeavors, and rehabilitative services.
Cooperation: Raindrops Rising understands that our vision is large, and that we cannot do it alone. Through collaboration with other like minded foundations and organizations, we believe that change is possible.
Growth: the foundation will always be open to new avenues to improve and expand the services we provide.